Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well how does one start to write such a book like this either the evolution of man or how will man end interesting questions that may or may not be answered in my life time. Maybe not but how about this for an interesting argument.
Man is a computer program how can you ask your self is that possible well lets look at it from one possible way. Human D.N.A are strands of information we all ready know that it takes two of the opposite sex to create a person being male or female by the information contained in the D.N.A strands that we carry dictate if it has brown hair blue eyes or any other it has so many permutations that are endless, what skills best suit that person there strong points and of course there weak points.
What if coded in there D.N.A is there initire life who they are to meet where they are going to live and how many offspring they will have in there life time all these have a reason and I will try to give the conclusions that I believe that are correct in my own eyes and that you can draw from reading this.
Lets first look at my D.N.A the basic building blocks of life it contains parts of my mother, father, and grandmother. Grandfather their parents and so on. In theory I have running around my body all of my family for so many generations that it could be possible if followed back to the creation of man him self.
Question is where will it end. For all computer programs there has to be a start and a finish so we know man started so how will he end?
Alright you ask how could our entire life possibly written already and how can I explain how I reach the answer well here goes, most people one time or another in there life have déjà vu a feeling that they have ether been or done something before but to there knowledge have not, possibly a message that from our D.N.A to our unconscious okay hard to believe here are some examples.

James Watt was a prolific inventor, best known for revolutionising the steam engine had a dream of rain gave him the idea of making lead shot by pouring molten lead through a grille at the top of a water tower. The globules of lead formed into perfect balls as they fell into a tub of water and cooled.

The structure of benzene was discovered by August Kekule, in a dream he wanted to work out how carbon atoms in benzene linked together. Carbon atoms have four hooks or valence bonds, while hydrogen has one. Four hydrogen’s can link with one carbon to form the methane molecule or with two carbons to form the ethylene molecule. But in benzene six carbons are linked with six hydrogen’s. When he tried to imagine them forming a chain some unattached hooks were left over. In a dream he saw a snake swallowing its own tail, then the carbon atoms and the hydrogen atoms swirling in a circle and finally a ring-shaped structure now known to be the correct form for the benzene molecule.

Could it be that during our sleep that our unconscious mind is able to read our D.N.A on events that we are about to live in the future or even of our great great parents lived in the past. I hear People say what would you do if you were to have immortality my answer is I have through my children and there offspring because you can not deny that a peace of you i.e. your D.N.A which was used to create them gets passed on through time it self so you in essence you do live for ever in a form.

Now if you can understand that now something else to grab you, what if all that we are at the moment is a stage in our development that is slowly surfacing for another change just like Neanderthal man his existence basically ended when he stood up another words when his D.N.A. program had run its course. It could not advance him to the next stage so began a new D.N.A. program and man started along that same path to where I can only guess and here’s my best shot. Man will no longer strive to have the perfect body after all that is just vanity his ultimate goal will to increase his brain power to such a point that the head will swell and the body will get to a point that all it needs to do is support it the intake of food will drop to such that all we need is enough to keep the body functioning no need of vocal cords because there would be no need to talk because we would communicate by thought itself, no need for muscles for just by thinking about it we would be able to move large items if not by ourselves but as a collective.

I can only guess what you are thinking ether I am a mad man or there could be some truth to what you are reading but please read on. For now what I write you must have an open mind and think of what you have read.

We may have already had a taste of what the end program is going to be and some of you god fearing people might take this in the wrong context I will apologise now but it is the only explanation I myself have come to.

Go back approximately two thousand years a man was born and his name was Jesus a man who people could only stand back in awe a man who after he learnt to use the powers of healing by the laying of hands and the power to move objects like the fish and the bread that he used to feed the starving people to be in one place one day and then the following to be a couple of hundred miles away healing the sick and infirm is that how we could all end up would we be able to travel just by thinking about it but the problem is because we are selfish would we do the same as him.

I have often wondered if man reaches the pinnacle of human achievement and if we are able to evolve beyond our program space and time would no longer mean anything life would become boring anything we would or could desire would be as toys to a child can we learn from this was Jesus a warning of vast change that would or could beset the down fall of man as we know him to evolve or to devolve to destroy what sanity we hold dear, if Jesus was alive today would we brand him a schizophrenic or him placed in a hospital for incurables or do as the frightened Romans did which was to place him on a cross to die, what would you do ?.

As for other people in history De’vinci was two hundred years too early he designed a helicopter and submarine he was also feared.

Lets say D.N.A. is a computer program for the development of the human race at certain times when the bits of the puzzle fall into place something wondrous happens the idea for rockets did not just fall from the sky a man designed them how here’s how.

Up until man started exploring the oceans technology was very slow to get of the ground man started to explore different continents and meet new races. Now lets say that the D.N.A. being scattered about the four corners had become stagnant it needed new genetic material man of course helped by lust spread there D.N.A with most of the natives they had children grew up and of course the cycle carried on they were put into slavery and transported all around the globe now the mixing black with the white red with the yellow and so on. The puzzle is now slowly being made man is now advancing so quickly that large leaps to the pinnacle are now happening, in the last 18 years computers have become part of the every day life of most people which now leaves them time to better themselves’s mentally and physically but there is a down side boredom so what do we do procreate travel carrying our own part of the computer program (D.N.A) to a place and person that have all ready been chosen.

If you may or may not have notice but most of the programs on the T.V are science fiction or science on human development and the powers that some people possess to the point that a man was able to on the program that he could foretell the future the following day. This just adds more fuel to the fire that burns inside myself.

Right now time for you to come to some kind of understanding of why are we here just to exist some how I can not believe that our purpose is just to procreate. Every thing has purpose water to give life clouds to deposit rain to extend life were water can not get to but if man has the same kind of life i.e. to go where life does not exist. Could space be mans answer if so how will we get the technology think of it or to the point do we all ready have the knowledge but the right connections not made or if they have do we know that we have them.

Every day one life form dies but we know that a new one takes its place could we ourselves go one step farther and create life Mary Shelly in the 18 hundreds wrote a book called Frankenstein if you have read the book you would understand what I mean. The ability to create life for existing body parts but we have gone further we have created creatures for the building blocks of life itself, a mouse with a human ear attached to its back a breed of mice with no hair or even baby chickens with duck heads and now talk of human clone to harvest for body parts, was her book fact or fiction, now if she had said that this would happen, the book would have been destroyed and may be we would not be trying to alter the way we develop and to create what in our eyes is the perfect human being.

Now to some facts. The royal families have been trying for centuries to manipulate their own blood lines with there breeding marring the best from other countries even our own queen is not English for she has more German blood than you or I for them to be better than us.
Adolph Hitler tried to create the master race trying to produce a pure Arian bloodline to take over the world that was his ultimate goal.
At what price was Hitler going to go to achieve to get to this, history tells us that he tried to kill all of the Jews, Negroes, gypsies, Mongolian’s and so on but how could he eliminate the Jew’s as the bible tells us that they are the chosen ones and that we are the gentiles and that Jesus died on the cross to make us all as one or he died to remove all of our sins past present and future.

I think before we go any further I believe that I should tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Bromley, Kent on June 28th 1964. I also have 1 brother and 1 sister twins both younger than myself. At the time of writing this book I had just turned 33 years old. I stand 5ft 11” tall have almost black hair and always sport a beard. Too look at me I would feel people would say I am an average person, very open minded some people would call me crude but I have always spoken my mind and it some times has got me into trouble. Some people can not handle the way I approach the way I look at thing’s, I do not look at things at face value, to every problem there is a solution and to every question an answer, and that is why I am sitting down and finally writing this book not for money, not for fame, the world as I see it is in trouble and of course there must be an answer.
And so with the power of literature, I am trying to get my views across things that people only think of but are afraid to say. But with all the problems that are arising there needs for you the people to rise up and voice your own opinion and basically that is the purpose of this book.
What in your opinion is the problem could it possibly be that people have lost the ability to communicate. Through history advances in technology have nine times out of ten followed a war, for example World War II, space flight, jet-propelled planes, computers and most of the things that we take for granted. It seems to me that when man faces extinction in one form or another, we talk and find solutions. Now if man instead of waiting for another war to happen, we talked before a war could begin and sorted out the problems that were arising there would be no need for all the blood shed and a peace full existence would arise from this.
Now it all comes to a question. What through history has caused more blood shed more unrest than any other, Religion. The wars are to numerous to mention people have been programmed from birth to follow what they have been taught by their parents, and their parents and so on. Even myself I was christened I also spent my Sunday afternoons at Sunday school, being told that Jesus died on the cross for all mankind past, present and future and this happened every week till I was about five.
A couple of years at junior school and again every morning a prayer again no letup on religion. But even I wanted to find out more so I joined the local church choir and sat through the sermons that the local vicar had spent time in writing, on events that had happened during the week, and even now they try to put meaning to what happens around the world into warnings of impending doom and gloom and of cause to them the bible has the answers. An interesting thing happened at the start of me writing this book I met a man who I had never met before or should I say finally made me see basically that something had to be done for you the people to be shown what path my life was going to lead. It all started with a friend of a friend asking me to fix his computer. This man whose name is Neville he is 73 years of age and you have to remember that up until this day our paths had not crossed, I asked him to me was a simple question and the question was “ did he think Jesus Christ was a schizophrenic “. You may think how the hell could I ask that question, well the easy answer for that is that my partner and I had decided to have our daughter christened and the local church. For all christenings they stipulate that you have to know what commitments their church require. So for four weeks on a Friday night three members of the church came round with question and answer sheets, we to question and them to answer. The time they should have been here for was between the hours of 8.30 and 10.00pm, but on the first night they never got past the first question and did not leave before 11.30 and this continued for the whole of the four weeks. I think to them I was a problem but a lot of people find that, I seem to ask questions that other people just would not dare ask. For instance did they think Jesus Christ was a schizophrenic, with that question came back the answer what do you mean, well if you have read the bible you may of read that Jesus with his disciples by his side on the side of a mountain showed to them, one moment he was him self and the next he showed that he was God, and then changed back again. Now if a man did that today he would be put in a mental hospital classed a schizophrenic, so basically I thought it was a valid question, well you may have guessed the response that I got from that, my partner bolted up right in her chair the representatives from the church took a very deep breath and tried to answer the question, and at the end of the evening had to agree that I had a valid point. Now back to Neville I asked him the same question and before he answered it he told me a little about him self. He has been apart of the church for at least 40 years giving sermons all around the would, he can write and speak 9 different languages and understand at least 8 more, he has written 7 or 8 books on different subjects through his life time. Not an ordinary man. We sat and spoke about what I believe and he come out with a statement that I think I will remember for the rest of my life because of the impact that it made, he said “ Stuart where you are in your life it has taken me 73 years to reach”. We talked about man where he has been where he is now and what future we have instore for us. I came home and spoke to my partner about the conversation I had had that day. My mind was buzzing all I could think about was trying to explain what had happened to me the realisation or should I say the path my life was to lead. I went to bed at 12.15am and was back up twenty minutes later switched the computer on and started writing, all my life I knew there was something I had to do and this is it straight from the heart. What you are about to read is not only how I see things but what people through history have tried to explain but we were not a level of trained thought to see, and I hope this will give you an explanation or make you seek the answers for yourself.
The following chapter on a prophet named Nostradamus put my mind into so much focus and frightened me because a lot of what he wrote applies to the book you are now reading. So please read on.


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